Mission Possible


Hello. My name is Stephanie Morton and I am a stay at home mother of four beautiful little girls! I am an entrepreneur as well. I love the ability of staying home with my girls and don’t really care too much for the daily chores like laundry, dishes, and house cleaning but it comes with the territory. I am 28 years old and four children… Yes I know, WOW! I am married to an amazing man that I love dearly. He is a wonderful father and supportive husband. I am truly blessed! 

I am now incorporating blogging into my everyday life because I feel like I can offer some insight and helpful hints to many stay at home mommies on how to deal with the everyday “I wanna pull my hair out” moments, I want to share with you all what I am doing with my family and how I am making the days of our lives go by with happiness and health conscious decisions.


We need our children to see that they are our most valued treasures. We need to show them that they are our nations future! It is our job to teach them whats right and guide them in the right direction.I will focus on the home and being a mommy but I will also post about 3 things that are very important to me in hopes that it will help others or inspire someone else.



First and foremost I will be incorporating the lives of Mommy’s! Stay at home moms are my niche because that is what I am so I know the language so to speak, but I would also like to talk about the things working mothers go through as well. This is a parenting blog so honestly whether you stay home with your children or work 40 hours a week, you should benefit either way.

Secondly, I will be discussing on many of my blogs prevention and awareness for children whom have been or are being abused in anyway. I have been in this situation and I have learned so much dealing with this horrific trauma in a child’s life and I hope to help those in need for guidance on what to do in this type situation. I also intend on sharing information on how to acknowledge that this may or may not be happening to children you know or even your own. Like I said, I have had to deal with this traumatic experience in my life and I want to reach out and help others be able to prevent or acknowledge that this is happening by educating you on what I have learned from my personal experience. I am not a doctor. therapist, or licensed counseler and I do not claim to be one but I am a mother and I have been there and dealt with it and have learned so much and still am learning on coping mechanisms, prevention, etc. so I will be sharing what I know with you. 

Last but not least I will be sharing many ideas on how to live a healthy lifestyle and getting your family on the fast track to a health and wellness. I will share recipes that I use for my family, informative information on health and nutrition, and how I get my family the nutrition that they need. Hopefully you too can incorporate these things in your home.

Being inspired by other mothers is what made me want to share with all of you what I am doing in my home so I hope you enjoy my blog and feel free to share with your friends and family if you wish. You can follow me on https://www.facebook.com/stephanie.morton.39 or twitter at https://twitter.com/GetSexy45. Please feel free to comment with any questions you may have or anything you would like to discuss. I love feedback and would absolutely love to hear how I am doing through my visitors! Have a blessed day! Look forward to hearing from you all. 


Stephanie Morton~Mommy On A Mission 

Feel free to email me with any questions or if you would just like to talk privately. 




About stephaniemortonmommyof4

Hello. My name is Stephanie Morton and I am a stay at home mother of four beautiful little girls! I am a South Carolina gal and I love it! I am an entrepreneur as well. I love the ability of staying home with my girls and don’t really care too much for the daily chores like laundry, dishes, and house cleaning but it comes with the territory. I am 28 years old and four children… Yes I know, WOW! I am married to an amazing man that I love dearly. He is a wonderful father and supportive husband. I am truly blessed!

2 responses to “Mission Possible

  1. I can not wait to hear more from Stephanie….this is a huge area of need and women need to know they are not alone in their journey!!

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