How to Succeed in Network Marketing

Are you interested in network marketing? Here are 12 tips that you may want to read over before making your choice..

1. Choose the right company for you. Do some research to determine which company is best for you personally.
2. Choose the right sponsor. This is crucial to your success and the right one will help coach you to your success.
3. Realize that it will take time. Network Marketing or M.L.M (multi level marketing) is real business and not a get rich quick scheme.
4 Have a game plan. Literally, write out your plan for building your business. You will have greater success than those who don’t.
5  Read books by those who have been successful.
6 The why is most important. Why are you getting involved? Better lifestyle or Freedom or Financial security. Now, define what that means to you.
Set written goals.Seriously WRITE THEM DOWN!!! 
8 Attend company meetings and training calls.
9 Study your products and learn them well. You will learn as you go but you need to know the basics of what you have to offer others obviously!
10 Share your products and opportunity at every chance you get. (please be advised that there is a right and wrong way to do this!)
11 Employ a strong recruiting and prospecting system so that you don’t run out of prospects.
12 Enjoy the journey and have FUN!

Working From Home & Enjoying My Life!



Working from home is truly the best decision I made for my family and I. I was sick of working 40+ hours a week.. I never got to see my girls and when I did it was for dinner,bath, then bed.  So I needed a vehicle to get me out of that hospital and out of debt!!! Even just a few thousand a month would be fine. I tried a few different companies and ugh it never worked for me!!! I used these products and saw the income potential and I knew this was it. I fell in love with the products the 6 months I used them! Had amazing results and turned my health around!!! 

So I went ALL IN!!! I knew I needed a way to get home with my girls!!! I knew I wanted to share these products with others as it changed my health for the better!!! 

So one year into the business I’m at home with my girls. I succeeded my goal amount very quickly and now I’m making more from home and having a blast! 

This business has changed our lives…. We got the cars paid in full, the three credit cards out from under us, & bought the land we have been waiting to buy for years!!! The house is this year and we are so excited!!! 

This business however is not for everyone. Only for people who have a why and a dream. If your okay with living week to week and punching the clock and not owning your time then maybe you are better to do just that. 

If you know you want more out of life than living week to week and you are not afraid of putting forth the effort…. We should talk. I can share with you how I rewired myself and get to enjoy my kids and work my own schedule!  
No strings attached if you just ask! or email me at

The Ugly Truth Behing Network Marketing/MLM Company Hoppers – The Difference Between “Reps Leaving” and Leadership

Here’s the ugly truth to people who “hop” network marketing/mlm opportunities and then promote it everywhere: 

They are only hurting themselves and the dreams of many others! 

I was watching a video online for a guy who supposedly was in my network marketing opportunity. This person spewed lies, rumors, and opinions posed as facts in this video for no other reason than to make himself look like a leader in his company and opportunity. 

But after talking with his up-line in a previous company (recently previous, mind you), I found out the truth about this guy: He jumps from opportunity to opportunity, looking for the “next best thing” and dragging his team with him. 

And in the midst of talking with my friend, I also learned that many of the people who have been burned by this individual are giving up on their dreams and leaving the industry, opting for the “security” and restrictions of a job. 

Well, here’s the ugly truth behind Network Marketing/MLM “hoppers” and “next best thing” chasers: 

They are not leaders. They are hunters and gatherers, wanting to find who they can prey on to make money in whatever they feel inclined to move to next. They never take the time to develop themselves within a company, nor do they develop leaders within a company. 

These people claim that “reps are leaving” companies, as this guy claimed in his against my company, but realize that not everyone who joins a company stays, and not everyone who leaves is that important to the company. There is a difference between a leader and a rep, and it has nothing to do with income. 

No, the difference between a leader and a rep is that a leader sees the vision for themselves AND their team, takes time to grow, and takes more time to develop leaders. 

They do not look for opportunity after opportunity, hoping to make a few more bucks or the newest gizmo/tech/nutritional/whatever. 

No, leaders take time to develop leaders. 

And if they leave without doing so, they are just another rep in the field. 

Network Marketing/MLM is all about developing yourself to a leader by developing other leaders. How can you develop leaders if you cannot settle into a company and get to work? 

Don’t mistake the two, and don’t let these reps move cause you to lose the focus off of your dream.

Keep it classy and don’t be fooled. Live your dreams and remember that you are capable of anything! Don’t allow others decisions and false information along with lies and opinions change your path of success! 

I have my path of success and I have people whom think they are leaders and are not. They bash me, my company, and my products, but the cold hard truth is they are sadly just hunters on a search for something that they will never succeed in. They are sadly mistaken if they think that hurting others will get them anywhere! that is where I am at and my team is doing amazing! $10k, $15k bonsues and so much more. Changing peoples lives physically, financially, and with their health and wellness. It does not get much better than that.

I hope you have a company that you believe in and I pray that you stick with it! Don’t allow anyone to fool you into the “next best thing” and remember God will lead you where you need to be or help you where you are at!

Millionaire Mindsets Lead To Millionaire Marvels


Millionaire Mindsets lead to Millionaire Marvels


So in my life experiences and business endeavors I have come to understand that if you don’t believe in yourself and have the mindset of a millionaire you will never be a millionaire. You see if you instill in your brain that you will never be able to push forward and afford those things that you dream of or reach those life goals that you are striving to accomplish you will never accomplish anything. Its a fact that if you believe in your heart, mind, and soul, and speak it with your mouth you will accomplish those things you are speaking. Its all in your mind! Just remember that.

I have been on many ventures in life whether it be business, education, relationships, or whatever I am facing actually. I have come to realize that I allow myself to talk me out of it. I allow my inner being to tell me that I cant accomplish this venture or situation. I am not a negative person however I am very analytic. You see even as a young child I always analyzed situations. For example, I look at a light switch and I know that if I switch it the light will come on, but I want to know how it comes on, I have faith that the light will cut on by the flip of that switch, I just over analyze and wonder how and why things do what they do.

I changed my way of thinking after listening to motivational speakers, reading motivational books, reading about successful people with a millionaire mindset! I told myself at that point I no longer need to know how or why things do what they do. I just need to know that they do it.. I need to tell myself I can do whatever it is I put my mind to and go all in. I do not need to ask myself “Well, how are you planning on doing this?” I need to just do it no matter how I do it.

In life no matter what you do you will always fail a time or two. You will never live your life, reach your goals, and fulfill all your desires and needs without failing. Failure to me is battle scars, battle scars that I can look at and learn from. So in essence its not a failure now is it? Its a learning experience. You can allow yourself to look at failures as a learning experience and grow from them or allow yourself to look at your failures and be in fear to ever get up and try again. It is you that determines what your destiny will be. It is you that determines if you will be a millionaire marvel.

Keep in mind what a millionaire marvel is to me while you are thinking about this blog at a later time and hopefully implementing in your life. A millionaire marvel to me is someone who has succeeded at those goals and dreams you have. You may have a goal just to pay your bills in full every month and not worry about bankruptcy’s, foreclosures, late fees, cut offs, etc. That could be your goal and all you want out of life. You may have a goal to be able to pay off all debt and have ten thousand dollars a month extra to put in savings. You may have a goal and desire to make one hundred thousand a month. Whatever your goals are when you reach them because you never gave up that is what makes you a millionaire marvel. Don’t mistake this blog to be only for those who are millionaires or who want a lot of money.. that is not what a millionaire marvel is to me. Did you know you can have all the money in the world and your dreams still not be a reality to you?

I will end this blog with a quote. One from the best books on all the universe. When I have problems or feel defeated or as if I am getting tested to see how far I can go or being taught a lesson, I refer to this book.

Bible a.k.a. Gods book!

Matthew 6:19

Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal. is how I am making my dreams a reality!



My Opinion and Cold Hard Facts About What I Do…

Another truth about our products that I would like to touch on… Some people don’t realize what our products are intended for or they don’t care to look into it because they have been misinformed. 

So here is the truth… Our products are not some magical product that you can use and go from a size 18 to a size 2 in weeks. If you ever find a product that can do that for you PLEASE LET ME KNOW ASAP!!You see, some don’t realize that it is a process. Yes!!! You can see results in 45 minutes which is wonderful but not going from Rosanne to Reba in 45 minutes.  As far as our products are concerned it is my advice that you use them to AIDE you on your journey of health and wellness. Exercise and Diet is very important in EVERYONE’S LIFE!! Wanna cheat a little okay that is cool just take a couple #fatfighters after that cheat meal, however do not think for a minute that you can cheat breakfast, lunch, dinner, and midnight snack everyday.. It is just not possible to see the results you are looking for if you eat a pint of ice cream, fried foods, and soda daily.. C’Mon… 

As far as the exercise goes once you are eating correctly and your body is not in toxic overload you should be able to take a at least a 30 minute brisk walk or even more without too much deliberation.. and yes take a few #thermofit in the morning and your metabolism will start to work properly and get you up and moving!  As far as our amazing wrap products AGAIN you will not throw this one wrap on (which is not even a full treatment) and go from a size 18 to 2.. Let’s be real!!! Okay so with that being said I find humor in the fact that people look at our products as a gimmick or just a way for us to have something to make money off of while at the house.. That is simply ridiculous!!! 

Let me point out that over 10,000 people do not sit at the house and throw #wrapson people and not see measurable amazing results.. If they never saw results with our products do you think for one minute that they would drive/fly hundreds or thousands of miles to a convention with our company to celebrate, learn, and meet other like minded individuals if they weren’t making any money with the company or the products did not work.. Do you really think that this company would have been debt free for over a decade if our products DID NOT WORK?? Do you think that we would be ranked so high in the Inc 5,000 for our company? Do you think our revenue would have went from 17.4 million dollars in 2009 to 200 million in 2012? See for yourself… Do you think our company would have made it for three years in a row in the success from home magazine?? If you don’t believe me look it up and then go down to Barnes and Noble and look for it on the shelves. Buy it and read it if you really want to blow your own mind.  
Further more if our company sold product(s) that did not work do you think for one minute that people would be uploading you tube videos, posting on social media sites, publicly stepping on stage in front of thousands explaining how they can NOW LOOK IN A MIRROR, or sharing with everyone they come in contact with that these products have changed their lives.. Do you think ALL THESE PEOPLE THAT ARE JUST LIKE YOU AND ME ARE “just saying” this???? Yeah NO, I don’t think so either… Let’s Be real people! 

With all this being said keep in mind that this is my OPINION, (get this, read real slowly) If you use our AFFORDABLE products and see awesome results and QUIT using them ******IT IS OKAY!!!!!****** You do not have to be on our products for life however there are some products I and even my kids just don’t go a day without like our greens that gives you 8 plus servings of fruits and veggies that MOST EVERYBODY never gets like they are supposed to. Also our amazing ALL NATURAL vitamins that are not packed full of unnecessary ingredients  But NO don’t let anyone tell you uneducated information about ceasing the use of our products and what happens afterwards!!!!! But listen up.. If you stop using our products, stop exercising, and eat fast food 12 times a week and a pint of ice cream three times a week. You can go ahead and guarantee that you will be going back to the old jeans and feeling like crud again.  HELLO!!! Do you follow me???

Furthermore I will touch on the fact that our company does not offer a money back guarantee and I would not advise any health and wellness company do this.. It’s a bad business move honestly.. If someone purchases the product and does not use as directed and consumes only soda pop and Sweet Tea during the week, alcohol on the weekends, and hits up Mickey D’s for breakfast and lunch daily and who knows for lunch, you will not see results and that is only your fault and you just wasted your money…It’s not my fault that you did those things.  If you didn’t see results with our products and you really ate healthy and exercised as much as you could, then YOU need help, so ask your distributor and let them help you. Everyone is different however our products can and will work you just need to make sure that you are using them properly and understanding what you need to do. Its not rocket science peeps, ITS YOUR BODY, YOUR HEALTH, I am sure you took anatomy in school.  

Your probably thinking wow!!?? Right?? yeah I figured that.. lol if you have any questions feel free to let me know and I will be real with you.. Are our products amazing, Yes I believe so but you should form your own opinion and thank goodness our company allows you to do that for 45% off. 

Whether it be that you are looking for an aide in getting healthier or looking for a way to make extra income and possibly replace your income without punching a time clock every day for the rest of your life, you need to look into this because all this information above is important to review and understand.  My personal results with our products were and continue to be jaw dropping because I understand the importance of a healthy diet and the importance of physical activity. My testimony with the business is exactly what it is.. I have done wonderful with my business and it continues to grow because I know the importance of treating my business like a business and giving 100% customer satisfaction and 100% dedication to my team! So many people are looking for the next best thing.. How about look for the thing that works and work hard at it!!! All you need is a passion, a vehicle, and a desire to do more with yourself.